

  • Acknowledge the rapid deterioration of soil health in Europe and support the Commission's willingness to take measures to promote sustainable soil management practices.

  • Regret the proposal's restricted scope in providing stronger guidance on sustainable soil management approaches and facilitating coordinated action at the European level.

  • 强调再生农业的价值,并要求将其纳入最佳实践.

  • Call for strengthening the financial component of the proposal to meet the challenges and necessary transition effectively.

Published: 5 Jul 2023
Type: News

布鲁塞尔,2023年7月5日 – Today, members of a leading international business coalition for the protection and restoration of biodiversity have welcomed the European Commission’s initiative for an EU Soil Monitoring Law.

代表了欧洲农业食品工业的重要份额, 一个地球生物多样性事业(OP2B) strongly believes that preserving soil health is a crucial issue not only for preserving European food sovereignty, 也是为了维护水质和欧盟公民的健康.

Stefania Avanzini, OP2B主任 说:“欧盟需要进一步解决欧洲土壤健康恶化的趋势。”.

OP2B is calling on the EU’s Member States and the European Parliament to raise the ambition of this proposal to create the conditions for a level playing field and for a sustainable scale up of regenerative agriculture.

联合政府承认欧盟土壤状况令人担忧. As 科学研究 shows, yields of staple crops started stagnating in the mid-1990s in Europe and would now be 20% higher than in the 1990s if crop yields had followed the 1950-90 trend in Europe. This stagnation or decrease of cereal yields in major EU countries confirms the urgent need to adopt and scale up sustainable soil management practices in Europe.

OP2B stresses the need to create a level playing field for a harmonized and coordinated scaling up of sustainable management practices across all European countries and to mobilize both public and private efforts. Only a coordinated effort will make it possible to achieve the EU’s Green Deal goals and sustainably protect soil health, 联合政府认为.

尽管欧盟土壤状况令人担忧,提案中也提到了解决方案, it fails to propose an ambitious framework for coordinated development of soil health at the European level. 没有明确的指导和统一的框架, the proposal does not set out the path for a harmonized and coordinated scaling up across all European countries.

OP2B’s Avanzini says: “We very much value the importance the Commission gives to agriculture and its central role in the management of soil. Still, we would have appreciated the Commission grasping the magnitude of the efforts needed to move to sustainable management practices and mobilize the necessary funds to support the transition to regenerative agriculture at scale.”

OP2B’s members are convinced that restoring ecosystem services and soil health would benefit from the EU’s strengthening its guidance and taking a systemic approach to soil management in agriculture.  现有的整体耕作方法, 有效率记录的公司, 是否应该支持土壤卫生法提案,再生农业就是其中之一. 

Pascal Chapot,雀巢可持续农业发展集团负责人, has seen the benefits of regenerative agriculture on the ground: “Our programs in Europe clearly show that implementing regenerative agriculture pays off, 因为它能改善土壤健康和肥力, 惠及农民,促进农业部门脱碳. The EU must ensure that more funding is directed to farmers to support them in restoring soil health and improve biodiversity through their production system”. 雀巢雀巢已承诺投资1欧元.到2025年,以刺激整个供应链向可再生农业过渡.

Facundo Etchebehere,达能正规博彩十大网站排名战略和合作伙伴高级副总裁, reaffirmed the French multinational’s commitment to pioneer and scale regenerative agriculture models, including by ensuring 30% of key ingredients sourced directly come from farms that are transitioning to regenerative agriculture by 2025. “健康的土壤对健康食品至关重要. It is critical to transform agricultural practices so that we can begin to reverse the trend of soil degradation and build resilient soils,” he said.

OP2B members are helping achieve the goals of the legislation proposal through the deployment of regenerative agriculture in their supply chains, 但要达到规模,需要公共政策的支持.

Hanneke Faber,联合利华营养部总裁, says that “a successful transition to regenerative agriculture will help meet many of the objectives of the new Soil Health Law and hence it must be acknowledged and supported in this legislation.“该公司将帮助保护和再生.500万公顷的土地, forests and oceans by 2030 and source 50% of its food ingredients from regenerative agriculture by 2027.

OP2B members are investing significant resources to reverse the impacts of soil degradation on agricultural production as the burden of the necessary transition to regenerative agriculture cannot be shouldered by farmers alone but call on the Commission to strengthen the financial component of its proposals to meet the challenges and necessary agricultural transition effectively.

向更可持续的农业方式过渡, 比如再生农业, 是改善土壤健康的重大机遇吗, its preservation, and restoration. OP2B, therefore, 呼吁成员国和欧盟议会提高这一案文的雄心, 创造一个公平竞争的环境, 以及可持续扩大可再生农业规模的计划. 

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