WBCSD calls for Corporate Determined Contributions (CDCs) 在COP26 to capture business progress in the global climate recovery

发表: 11月3日2021
类型: 新闻
  • 在COP26的第一个非国家行为者日,WBCSD推出了 气候恢复的商业宣言
  • 作为 宣言, WBCSD calls for a new Corporate Determined Contributions (CDCs) mechanism to measure the private sector’s contribution to the global climate recovery
  • 宣言 得到了奈杰尔·托平的支持, 高级别气候行动冠军和Alan Jope, 联合利华首席执行官, 在其他高级商业领袖中

格拉斯哥,COP26, 2021年11月3日 – 的 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD) today launches the “气候恢复的商业宣言 (宣言)” 和 calls for the development of a new Corporate Determined Contributions (CDCs) mechanism to capture private sector progress in the global climate recovery.

政府间气候变化专门委员会 第六次评估报告 对气候变化的严重性是毫不含糊的吗, while UN 气候 Change’s (UNFCCC) Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) 综合报告 indicates that global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are on course to rise by 16% by 2030, 与2010年的水平相比. 世界需要采取紧急的气候行动, 和 the private sector has an enormous role to play to accelerate climate action.

WBCSD的宣言, 今天在COP26商务馆推出, 第一次是世界上最可持续的吗, ambitious businesses have used their collective voice to outline what is required to accelerate the global climate recovery.

的 宣言 consists of twelve action priorities framed around the imperatives to reduce, 消除和报告温室气体排放. Each action priority has associated policy requirements which are global in nature 和 applicable to 政策制定者 in multilateral systems, 和, 在相关的, 给国家政策制定者. 

“的 time to act for a net-zero, nature positive 和 equitable transformation is now,” WBCSD总裁兼首席执行官Peter Bakker评论道. “我们刚刚发布了新战略, the 宣言 provides an added focus on the actions needed now with the biggest impacts to halt temperature rises 和 support climate recovery. Businesses are ready to deliver pragmatic 和 impactful solutions 和 be held accountable for their progress.”

All twelve action priorities require collaboration between the public 和 private sector. 到目前为止, the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP) process has not been optimized for collaboration between 政策制定者 和 business leaders, but this collaboration will be crucial to achieving climate recovery this century. 此外, while the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) mechanism exists to measure the public sector’s contribution to climate recovery, 目前还没有针对私营部门的机制. 

因此, WBCSD is calling for the development of a new global framework of Corporate Determined Contributions (CDCs) to capture business progress 和 delivery against their targets, 抱负和目标.

“Public-private sector collaboration is critical to the global climate recovery. 的re is a strong desire for existing business climate action to be recognized, 但目前, there is no common mechanism in place to measure progress in the private sector,” 气候问题高级顾问克莱尔·奥尼尔评论道 & WBCSD能源和前COP26候任主席. “因此, 在COP26, we are calling for the development of CDCs to ensure that business action is recognized 和 held to account in the global fight for climate recovery.” 

疾控中心将是一个新的, common mechanism to assess business progress 和 delivery against climate action targets to align with the process of setting 和 delivering national plans, 或国防委员会. CDCs would be based on reported targets 和 progress in emissions reduction for annual assessment at the COP. CDCs offer a transparent 和 measurable approach that would enable business to build trust with regulators, 政策制定者, 和消费者, 避免不公正的“洗绿”指控.

联合国第26次缔约方会议高级别气候倡导者奈杰尔·托平说: "COP26 is about action on an ambitious delivery agenda 和 implementing the promise of the Paris Agreement. 的 正规博彩十大网站's 气候恢复的商业宣言 sets out a practical action plan for the private sector, showing how businesses are ready to be held accountable for delivering on their promises as they move from ambition to action."

联合国COP25高级别气候卫士Gonzalo Munoz补充说: "的 正规博彩十大网站's 气候恢复的商业宣言 sets out a practical action plan for the private sector, 展示企业如何帮助实现有弹性的零碳经济. 从推动绿色全球电网到使供应链脱碳, this 宣言 shows how the global economy is irreversibly aligning to deliver a 1.5度的世界."

联合利华首席执行官Alan Jope补充道: “I am yet to meet a credible business leader that does not recognize the threat of climate change, 以及落实《正规博彩十大网站》的迫切需要. Net zero is now table stakes, yet delivering this transformation is far from straight forward. WBCSD have provided a clear guide on priority actions for governments 和 businesses to secure our future prosperity”.

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