Only the right diagnosis will yield the right treatment for the planetary emergency

A summary of WBCSD’s 健康的 Planet, 健康的人 event as part of 气候 Week NYC 2021 

发表: 2021年9月28日
作者: WBCSD通信
类型: 洞察力

2021年9月28日: 作为2021年纽约气候周的一部分, on 22 September the 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD) brought together business leaders and scientific experts for a virtual 讨论 around how human health intersects with the 气候与自然 crisis and how business can play a critical key role in advancing solutions to maximize health co-benefits of working towards a net-zero, 自然,积极和公平的未来.

Grounding the 讨论 in the latest science, Marie Studer, Senior Program Manager at the 地球健康联盟, explained how human activities are driving fundamental changes to the biosphere and disrupting many of our planet’s natural systems. 诸如不断发展的气候危机等因素, 广泛的污染, 指数型消费模式, 生物多样性的丧失达到前所未有的程度, and pervasive changes in land use and cover threaten nearly every dimension of human 健康和幸福. 

随着地球的紧急情况继续展开, we face a litany of health risks that look set to place an ever-growing burden on healthcare systems and services across the world. 这些风险包括营养不良发生率呈指数级上升, 热应力, 传染性和非传染性疾病, 流离失所和冲突, 以及负面的心理健康影响. 有明确的科学数据, Marie underscored the urgency to protect natural systems to protect people to avert an existential crisis for humankind. 

Shifting the 讨论 towards the role of business, James Gomme, Director of 人 & 在WBCSD的社会,然后提供了WBCSD正规博彩十大网站排名 2050年正规博彩十大网站:是时候转型了 which provides a framework for business to lead the transformations needed to realize a world in which more than nine billion people live well, 在地球范围内, by 2050.  

At the heart of this framework are nine transformation pathways covering the areas of business activity that are essential to society, 包括一条专用通道 健康和幸福. With the understanding that business has a key role to play in helping to realize a world where all people have the highest attainable standard of 健康和幸福, WBCSD is working to operationalize this pathway and to position health more centrally into its work. 特别是水务署 健康的人,健康的企业 project is working to establish a cross-cutting narrative around the role of businesses from all sectors in supporting 健康和幸福 while also highlighting the interdependence of human health and natural systems.

Against this backdrop, Claire Lund, Global Vice President 正规博彩十大网站排名, 葛兰素史克公司; Jennifer Wright, Director, Global EHS & 正规博彩十大网站排名, 生原体; Jim Goudreau, Head of Environmental Sustainability External Engagement, 诺华制药 and Marie Studer exchanged their perspectives on the role of business at the nexus of health, 气候与自然.  

认识到燃烧化石燃料会造成污染, 发病率和死亡率, 不成比例地影响脆弱社区, Jennifer Wright shared insights regarding 生原体’s efforts to fully decarbonize its operations by 2040 as part of their 健康的气候健康的生活 倡议,旨在解决气候、健康和公平问题.

Claire Lund正规博彩十大网站 葛兰素史克公司的双重承诺 to achieving net-zero impact on climate and net positive impact on nature by 2030 and emphasized the need to address the complexity and interrelationships, 并通过合作来加快行动.

认识到变化的速度有多快, Jim Goudreau added that 诺华制药 has stepped up its ambition to become 碳中和 到2030年覆盖整个价值链. He echoed the need to take a healthcare system perspective and support suppliers in their mitigation efforts.

With a view out to COP 26 in Glasgow where the relationship between climate and health is set to be a key topic for 讨论, Jennifer Wright stressed that “health is material to everyone and that framing the conversations around climate change, 行星健康, and humankind will be a key lens for governments to apply to their 讨论s.” 

Marie Studer added that “COP26 really has no way around recognizing that health is a central issue to the climate crisis that needs to be addressed urgently.“同时, 她强调,“如果我们过于狭隘地关注, 我们会得到错误的诊断, 也就是说我们的整体治疗方法是错误的. We need to keep our attention on all the other drivers of change to make sure that the planet has intact, well-functioning natural systems to ensure the health and well-being of all people, 到处都是.”

Jim Goudreau rounded up the 讨论 by highlighting the need for courageous leadership moving forward: “We really need to change our mindset. 我们需要勇气和乐观. The topic is scary and it’s easy to get bogged down in the details and get discouraged. We have to have the courage to engage leadership and have frank conversations.”

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